February 19

Launchy flies high by earning highly-coveted Teamwork certification


Launchy is pleased to announce that we have recently been certified by Teamwork, a robust all-in-one project management platform. Our journey to acquiring a strategic partnership and earning the highly-coveted Teamwork certification isn’t something that was achieved in a short span. Launchy founder Crystelle Topatan has implemented Teamwork to handle her growing portfolio of client projects in a seamless, strategic, and hassle-free way. 

The all-encompassing platform not only helps Launchy by managing our client projects in an efficient way but also by tracking time and keeping all of Launchy’s major client activity in one place. 

There are many benefits that Teamwork offers to businesses; juggling client portfolios and earning back the effort and investment put into business efforts are two such benefits. That said, let’s explore some of the benefits that the Teamwork certification offers businesses that invest and form partnerships with them. 

The benefits of the Teamwork certification for businesses 

  1. Streamline client operations seamlessly 

Issues pertaining to resource allocation, such as the lack of manpower or technology applications, can be challenging for employees to work around. Without the help of a trusted project management platform, it can be difficult for employees working in these establishments to stay on top of a growing list of client projects without feeling burned out. 

With Teamwork, employees can organise and store their client projects in one place. They can also gain real-time access to client information and materials due to organised documentation. This organisation ranges from client assets and project timelines to communications and financial reporting. 

Teamwork can also allocate resources in a balanced way to ensure that employees do not experience burnout from working over their recommended capacity. This ensures the long-term and healthy utilisation of manpower across all client projects. 

The platform also ensures that there is an optimised and continuous income stream to a business from retained clients, thereby helping the business track time, rates, and money spent, as well as balance budget fluctuations. 

  1. Track real-time performance 

One of the major challenges with handling multiple client projects is keeping track of real-time performance, across all projects, teams, and clients. With Teamwork, businesses can utilise the software to break down complex project requirements into multiple levels of tasks and subtasks to allow for easier planning. 

Users can set recurring tasks to manage retainer work and ensure they stay on top of upcoming work. Employees can minimise time spent manually setting up and handling project requirements with Teamwork’s customisable project templates and task list functionalities. With these conveniences, employees reduce repetitive work, save time on project setup, and be more consistent across projects. 

Accounting for accurate billable hours is much easier with Teamwork too. Employees can use this platform to track and log billable time. They can export invoices from this platform to their accounting system using integrations from multiple accounting software such as Quickbooks or Harvest. This ensures that businesses get paid the right amount for the scope and high quality of work they provide. 

  1. Improve efficiency and maximise profits 

As mentioned previously, Teamwork ensures that resources are utilised efficiently and that the workload is distributed evenly. Teamwork helps businesses achieve this by integrating time tracking and resource management features in one place. 

It also helps to simplify various processes, with convenient features such as pre-built templates, intake forms, business process automation, and integrations with third-party tools. This project management platform is also scalable. 

Its scalability means that it can be adjusted for various business sizes, requirements, and varying project complexities. With Teamwork, businesses can customise various processes and workflows to suit a business’ changing needs or assist in their growth or expansion phase. 

Invest in Teamwork to seamlessly manage your growing list of client projects 

With Launchy’s recently acquired Teamwork certification, we are hoping to take on more exciting and challenging projects and clients in 2024 and in the coming years. Teamwork has facilitated the success of Launchy for the past decade, as our founder can testify. 

“Now, we have a comprehensive business auto echo system with Teamwork included as one of the core parts to our setup. Everything is integrated and automation in place to free up the team of the basic repetitive tasks to focus on the higher valuable billable activities,” enthused Topatan. 

“Our journey with Teamwork has come a long way in 10 years and we could not see doing business any other way without Teamwork.com. We use many features of Teamwork.com these days from the tracking of projects and tasks to utilisation of the team in available times, extensive reporting for projects, and also real-time profitability, and the list goes on!” she exclaimed. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits Teamwork can bring to your business, schedule a consultation with Launchy, Teamwork-certified automation experts.