February 21

5 common business process management issues and how business automation services help fix them

In today’s ever-evolving landscape of modern business, efficiency isn’t just desirable—it’s imperative. Organisations worldwide are constantly seeking ways to optimise their operations, cut costs, and enhance productivity to stay ahead in competitive markets.

That said, many organisations still face issues with business process management (BPM). According to a study, only 4% of the 69% of organisations who claimed to have implemented business processes also monitored and supervised them.

Only 29% of organisations have shown an interest in deploying business process automation software and 50% cite the reason for not embracing BPM software as its high price tag. However, research by Bain & Company shows that 21% of organisations that use business process optimisation techniques save at least 10% of their operational costs.

To help organisations stay ahead of the curve in today’s competitive business environment, they should turn to automation services to optimise their business workflows, campaign performance, and overall profit turnover.

Turning to business automation solutions, including marketing automation, can bring about many benefits to businesses. The Lane Vineyard experienced a surge of 220% in their paying club membership, as well as an overall profit increase by 73% to their winery business by implementing business automation.

In this blog post, we will explore how business automation services can help fix issues pertaining to various business processes.

1. They help overcome challenges in streamlining business processes

Many contemporary organisations are faced with more complexities than ever as business owners and managers take on more departments and responsibilities. Thus, streamlining business processes across the entire organisation can be a tall order and come with its own sets of challenges. As the organisation grows in size and new technologies are adopted, the complexity increases as well.

With the help of professional services in business automation, organisations can help consolidate all the processes within their workplace ecosystem and transform them into one overarching solution. It facilitates data exchange and creates a unified ecosystem that boosts efficiency and collaboration.

2. They automate time-consuming manual reporting

Business automation services revolutionise time-consuming manual reporting by implementing automated solutions that streamline the entire reporting process. Instead of relying on manual data entry and compilation, business automation tools extract data from various sources, such as databases and software applications, and consolidate it into customisable reports automatically.

This eliminates the need for employees to spend countless hours gathering and organising data, thus significantly reducing the time and effort required for reporting tasks.

Business automation tools also offer features like real-time data updates and scheduling capabilities, ensuring that reports are always up-to-date and delivered promptly according to predefined schedules. These tools can generate valuable insights and visualisations, transforming raw data into actionable information that facilitates greater decision-making capabilities.

This helps organisations not only save valuable time and resources but also improve accuracy and consistency in reporting. Employees can focus more on strategic activities that drive business growth, while automation handles the repetitive and time-consuming aspects of reporting with efficiency and precision.

3. They eliminate integration difficulties between systems

Modern businesses rely on multiple systems and applications to manage different aspects of their operations effectively. From customer relationship management (CRM) tools to video conferencing platforms, each application serves a specific purpose in supporting their business processes. However, the use of multiple disjointed systems often leads to data silos and inefficient processes, hindering productivity and collaboration.

Business automation services help to bridge the gap among multiple business systems, regardless of whether they are new cloud-based solutions or legacy on-premise systems. By facilitating interoperability between disparate applications, business automation ensures that critical data flows smoothly across an organisation, eliminating silos and fostering a cohesive ecosystem.

Merging different applications cohesively also smoothes decision-making, reduces manual errors, and streamlines processes, ensuring employees can access the information they need without switching between multiple systems. This leads to greater productivity and effectiveness in achieving business goals.

4. They help counter compliance and regulatory challenges

While compliance and adherence to regulatory requirements are crucial for organisations, it can be complex and challenging for them to keep up with the constantly changing guidelines. Non-compliance to industry regulations can often lead to heavy penalties and fines for organisations, which can be detrimental to their cost centre.

Business automation services provide organisations with the tools to define and automate workflows that adhere to industry regulations and compliance standards by incorporating features such as audit trails, access permissions, and automated notifications.

Automation in business processes also minimises the risk of errors and non-compliance by eliminating manual interventions prone to oversight. With automated compliance checks and real-time monitoring capabilities, organisations can proactively identify and address potential issues, reducing the likelihood of regulatory violations.

Ultimately, business automation tools serve as a reliable safeguard, empowering organisations to navigate complex regulatory landscapes with confidence and peace of mind.

5. They facilitate scalability and adaptability

As organisations grow and evolve, their processes need to scale and adapt to meet the changing demands and market conditions. Manual processes are often rigid and difficult to scale, leading to scalability issues and operational constraints.

Automation services provide the flexibility and agility businesses need to scale their processes dynamically and respond to changing requirements. With modular workflows, configurable role engines, and integration capabilities, businesses can automate new processes, adjust workflows on the fly, and scale operations efficiently to support growth and innovation.

Enlist business automation services to streamline and optimise your business processes

BPM challenges are prevalent in today’s competitive business landscape. That said, the solutions to BPM issues lie in working with a business automation expert.

By leveraging business automation technology, organisations can overcome hurdles by streamlining complex processes, eliminating time-consuming manual reporting, integrating disparate systems, ensuring compliance, and scaling operations effectively.

Schedule a consultation with a business automation expert to help you navigate the complexities of modern business, harness the power of automation to streamline your operations, and empower you to unlock new levels of success and innovation.