August 10

5 stellar automation strategies and the outbound marketing tools that drive business growth


Outbound marketing automation has been one of the best methods for businesses to maximise their lead generation efforts and expand their audience base. 

But combined with automation, outbound marketing methods can be even more refined, helping sales and marketing teams get rid of the difficulties in their outbound processes and saving time and effort spent on routine and monotonous tasks. 

Outbound marketing automation leverages cutting-edge technologies to automate repetitive marketing and calling processes, which help businesses generate more leads and increase overall sales.

But the benefits don’t just end there.

What can businesses expect from outbound marketing automation?

Personalised workflows

Automation secures and collects inputs across multiple channels to understand customer expectations and meet their requirements, helping you meet these expectations with personalised messaging.  

Seamless collaboration

Automated outbound marketing leads to better collaboration between your teams, streamlining your sales and marketing alignment and enabling marketers to discover the strategies that should be deployed and the areas to improve to gain more returns.

Improved integration

Automating outbound marketing efforts also has several benefits, like better integration between multiple platforms. You can integrate tools like your customer data platform (CDP) software or customer relationship management (CRM) systems, establishing flawless business processes.

Outbound marketing automation strategies that guarantee growth

1. Humanise your cold emails

Emails are one of the most effective marketing strategies, so it’s no surprise that cold emails can bring stellar results as an automated outbound marketing strategy. 

Cold emails are unsolicited emails you send out to prospects where you’re initiating the interaction. 

Instead of making your cold emails read like just another set of junk emails that goes unread or sent straight to the spam folder, automation lets you make your messages highly personalised—your cold emails don’t have to be pushy, impersonal, or sales-based spam. 

Offering value to your customer with relevant content in your emails shows your customers you respect their preferences and time. 

When you’re writing, make sure you’re optimising every aspect of your cold emails, including the subject lines. Because 30% of people open an email based on the subject line.

In addition to optimised and personalised copy and subject lines, automated A/B testing can also help you make the most out of your cold emails.

2. Grab social media ad opportunities

Another great strategy for outbound marketing that clicks well with audiences in 2022 is social media ads. 

Most modern brands have their own social media profiles set up and invest significant resources to grow their audience. The benefit of your social media presence is that it’s not just a chance to grow your brand organically but also lets you create targeted ads for social media users.  

Compared to most other forms of advertising, social media ads tend to be a lot cheaper and often see higher levels of engagement too—like Youtube ads, which are 84% more likely to receive attention than TV advertising. 

Social media and display ads also typically don’t have a minimum investment, meaning no matter the size of your budget, you can start experimenting with this strategy. 

Automated social media campaigns can also guarantee benefits such as better control of your ad campaigns with Lead Ads or Boost Posts. These help you organise and assign campaign tasks effortlessly and automatically hide, delete, or reply to comments under your content—organic and ads.

3. Scale your PPC efforts

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising involves designing an ad linked to a particular page on a website and is one of the easiest types of outbound marketing tactics to set up and run. 

Not only can these ads help you win more traffic, but they also generate results a lot faster than organic methods such as search engine marketing. 

But what happens when it’s combined with automation? Here’s a glimpse into the difference it can make:

  • It can scale your PPC efforts by running more ads without having to invest more time 
  • Improves and generates compelling ad copy for different advertising platforms 
  • Helps you manage bidding effortlessly with accuracy and profitability using automation tools that use complex and proficient algorithms 
  • Increases your return on ad spend by optimising the performance of your ads

4. Let your cold calling progress with time

Cold calling is another one of the top outbound marketing strategies.   

But for your cold calling to succeed and make a positive impression on your audience, there are certain things that you need to fulfil. First of all, your cold calls must not be annoying to whoever is at the end of the call.

Instead, you could call up your list of leads, introduce yourself, inform them of your services, and let them know that you’re there to answer any questions regarding the business, industry, or any product or service, which opens the opportunity for further outreach with these leads. 

But where does automation come into play? Ever heard of a progressive dialler?

A progressive dialer is an automated cold calling system that optimises the dialling process by connecting a sales development representative (SDR) to the call only if a real person answers. This means it disregards voice machines, busy lines, and disconnected phone numbers. 

The dialler also doesn’t dial multiple contacts at once, ensuring that every call is connected to a free SDR at the fastest speed, avoiding long pauses between conversations and reducing the salesperson’s waiting time. 

Automated cold calling ensures that your marketing and sales teams don’t waste their energy on tasks that don’t bring any value, like dialling manually, listening to the dial tone, or making a call only to find out the phone number has been disconnected.

5. Simplify ad retargeting

Ad retargeting is where you target digital advertising to leads that have already displayed interest in your offerings. Think of directing retargeted ads to a lead who visited your website. 

By retargeting, you can remind them of your offerings and keep your brand at the top of their mind, resulting in increased sales, leads, and conversions. 

Besides being highly effective, retargeted ads can also be less pushy than most types of outbound strategies. 

Retargeted ads are often helpful for consumers and remind them of sites they want to revisit or purchases they still need to make. Statistics show that 25% of consumers enjoy seeing retargeted ads, and 70% of them are more likely to convert.

The right software will help you automatically generate thousands of ads that display in the right place at the right time, enabling you to capture more sales in the background while focusing on other aspects of your business.

Outbound marketing automation—a strategy to innovate your campaigns

Automating outbound marketing processes leads to business success even amidst fierce competition. 

If you have more questions about the best ways to launch your outbound campaigns and the ideal way to bring automation into your efforts, don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with Launchy!