May 5

Top ways to boost the deliverability of your Infusionsoft email marketing campaigns


If you’ve ever written an email using Infusionsoft, you can attest to the value that’s been packed into it.

For instance, the CTA you’ve used isn’t forced; in fact, it fits right in. The products and services you’ve talked about are worth purchasing. You’re incredibly proud of the email you’ve created for your existing and prospective customers and have even gone the extra mile to segment your audience into the right segments.

You’ve done all this and the result? You have a few subscribers that are responding to your emails! Success, right? Well, not quite. If you want to get your message in your audience’s inbox—instead of the spam box—and get more conversions, you have to think about improving the email deliverability of your Infusionsoft emails.

Here’s how you can get started.

Avoid using URL shorteners

If you’re wondering about what URL shorteners are, think back to an email where you’ve seen links, like or, which redirect you to another website. These are what are called URL shorteners. Their purpose is largely to limit the character count instead of having a long link that goes on for several lines. Plus, it’s nice to look at instead of clunky links.

Even though they may look nice and reduce the length of your email, they’re generally not recommended to be used in campaigns like Infusionsoft email marketing campaigns because spammers use them as well—which could reduce your email deliverability.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t use URL shorteners. You simply have to avoid using a general-purpose public link shortened and perhaps opt for a private one. You can even go ahead and use HTML to transform a picture or text into a link. Since HTML takes care of the layout and structure of the emails, you don’t have to worry about deliverability.

Generate enticing subject lines

The subject line of an email is critical as it’s often the decisive factor as to whether a recipient would open an email or whether the email will end up being lost in the spam folder. This is why it’s important to ensure that your subject line is optimised for your audience.

Using a short and sweet subject line can significantly improve your email open rates. You can even get a little creative and include a question as your subject line to pique the interest of your audience. You can even add a direct command or call to action which some in your audience may prefer.

The key is to know your audience and keep it fresh without sending out the same Infusionsoft email marketing campaigns every time. Plus, avoid using any words that could be mistaken for spam. For instance, words that are too sales-y can generally get marked as spam. Don’t use loud punctuations like exclamation points or even all caps. Limit the use of words like ‘Free’ and ‘Get Now!’ which could all flag your email as spam.

Declutter your email list

If you have an impressive email subscriber list but the majority of them are inactive, it can dramatically impact your email deliverability since they will offset your engagement rate. This is why it’s important that you declutter your email list. Remove any invalid email addresses and remove any inactive subscribers to keep your list updated with only active subscribers.

Sending emails, newsletters, or even promotions that don’t get opened can severely harm your email deliverability. The longer you keep inactive and unengaged users, the more likely you are to damage your deliverability rates and reputation.

Give your subscribers an easy and quick way to unsubscribe from your emails by automating this process. This way, you’ll only have subscribers on your list who are genuinely interested in receiving your content and will simultaneously help your deliverability rates.

Optimise the content of your email

An attractive and compelling email body is arguably one of the best ways to keep your email deliverability at a good level. Think about the AIDA framework when you’re drafting your Infusionsoft email marketing campaigns.

Attention: Does it hook the email recipient?
Interest: Once your email has grabbed their attention, does it keep them interested?
Desire: Does the email create a deep desire to own or purchase your product/service?
Action: Does the email encourage your audience to take action?

Don’t forget to think about the aesthetics of the email! Use fonts that are commonly used across email clients and—most importantly—are easy to read. Consider fonts like Arial, Helvetica, and Verdana.

Think you’re all set? Well, you’re not quite done until you’ve proofread your email before sending it out. Remember that spam filters are generally unforgiving for typographical errors, so give it a thorough read before you click ‘send’.

Improve the deliverability of Infusionsoft email marketing campaigns with these simple steps

Email deliverability is everything in the world of email marketing. If your audience isn’t getting your emails, you’re not engaging them. If you’re not engaging them, your competitors will.

By following these simple steps, you have the opportunity to create email marketing campaigns that compel your audience to make their purchasing decisions centred around your products and services.

Speak to an automation expert today and discover how you can create Infusionsoft email marketing campaigns that boost deliverability and put your brand in front of your audience.