August 18

Marketing automation for B2B: 4 tools to help businesses launch successful campaigns


For small businesses, launching a successful marketing campaign can not only build their brand awareness but can also help strengthen their rapport with clients and boost ROI.

However, marketing campaigns can often be hit-and-miss, and gathering valuable insights on why some marketing campaigns produce stellar results is essential to crafting better campaigns. Fortunately, there are tools that help with marketing automation for B2B that marketers can utilise to improve their marketing efforts and optimise their campaign strategies to drive better campaign results.

One indicator of success when it comes to a marketing campaign is the number of high-quality leads generated. These high-potential leads are important as sales personnel and marketers can nurture them for sales conversions.

Marketers can’t rely on traditional marketing efforts that rely on manual processes. B2B marketing automation tools are important to help them focus on creating ingenious and captivating marketing campaigns that can boost their ROI while enhancing workforce productivity and reducing spending on marketing campaigns.

That said, how can marketers improve their marketing campaigns using B2B marketing automation tools? Let’s explore these tools in further detail below.

1) CRM integration

When it comes to organising and leveraging data, relying on manual operations can take up a lot of energy and resources among marketers and sales personnel.

That’s not all; having two standalone platforms, a marketing automation platform and a CRM system, can be counterproductive for both teams and even lead to data loss or data inaccuracies.

Data collection is crucial as it is the gateway for both marketing and sales personnel to gather valuable client data such as their contact details, website traffic, and social media engagement to drive better marketing campaigns.

By using a platform that integrates both marketing automation and CRM, it is easier to organise, manage, and leverage data to create personalised and segmented campaigns.

2) Social media automation

Social media campaigns are effective in spreading awareness about a business’s products and services. However, for small businesses that are scaling up their efforts, this requires more social media posts or accounts that their marketers need to manage.

Being on standby to schedule social media posts or managing multiple social media accounts can be tedious and an unsustainable practice in the long run. With a B2B marketing automation tool, marketers can automate their social media posts by scheduling them on multiple platforms in advance.

When it comes to answering general or frequently asked questions on social media, this tool provides a chatbot feature that automatically answers customer inquiries. If a customer wishes to pose a question that is more detailed or requires further detail, they may opt to interact with a customer representative.

Marketers can also track how well their social media content is performing through the data-driven analytics provided by this tool. This helps decision-makers brainstorm how to create more captivating and engaging content by assessing which campaigns have performed well and which fell short of their marketing goals.

In general, social media automation frees up employees from various manual operations pertaining to social media management, hence giving them more time to focus on their branding and creating ingenious content to increase their social media engagement efforts.

3) Email campaign automation

Email campaigns can often be a hit-and-miss. With email campaign automation, however, marketers can gain valuable data-driven insights from their leads such as their buying behaviour, past purchases, interest, age range, and location.

This helps marketers curate segmented email campaigns that are more personalised and rouse interest among their intended audience.

Segmented campaigns have contributed to a significant increase in ROI from marketing efforts. Research by Data & Marketing Association has found that segmented campaigns resulted in a 760% increase in revenue for businesses. Email open rates and click-through rates had also grown exponentially by 14% and 100%, respectively.

Hence, leveraging email campaign automation helps marketers build a deeper connection with their customers, facilitate the customer buying journey, as well as gain high-quality leads which can be nurtured to garner greater sales conversion.

4) Real-time analytics

As mentioned previously, there are various data which can be collected on a B2B marketing automation tool. These data-driven analytics provide insights to sales personnel and marketers on which campaigns thrived and which fell short. Such insights can help these teams to brainstorm more creative solutions which are backed by supporting data and research.

This platform helps both teams to compare their campaign performance on multiple devices too—whether on mobile devices or laptops. Using the data provided by the automation platform’s performance indicators, they can leverage the platform to achieve more successful campaigns that are aligned with their business goals.

Lead scoring, lead tracking, and lead nurturing are instrumental in helping marketers and sales personnel to be more tactful in winning over high-quality leads and eventually increasing revenue for their business through sales conversion.

Leverage marketing automation for B2B by getting in touch with automation professionals

Marketers and sales personnel are busy bees with their own KPIs. Spending a huge chunk of their time manually inputting various sales and marketing-related tasks could lead to a loss in productivity levels, higher labour-related and operational costs, and a slowdown in ROI.

By utilising tools that were built to enhance marketing automation for B2B, businesses can scale their marketing efforts, improve customer engagement, build a greater rapport with their clients, and come up with more captivating marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness and grow their customer base.

Schedule a consultation with a leading marketing automation expert today to help your team manage your email campaigns, social media, and other marketing efforts in a cost-efficient and productive way, with tangible results.