November 13

Keap CRM pricing: Important factors that influence the cost of this automation platform


Keap is a CRM platform that has been integrated with marketing automation capabilities to optimise business processes and workflow efficiency. In recent years, this sophisticated platform has picked up in popularity among small businesses at an impressive rate—and it’s no surprise why. 

The scalable and customisable platform has a full suite of comprehensive features that simplify and streamline various business processes and is practical for many departments within an organisation, including the marketing, sales, HR, finance, IT, and legal departments.  

If you are running a small business, the functionalities and benefits that this nifty platform can bring you must be explored. That said, you might be wondering how much it would cost to improve your operations with Keap and the upfront capital required to invest in it. 

For this blog post, the focus is on the various factors that influence Keap CRM pricing. 

Integration and customisation capabilities

Keap CRM pricing differs between its two plans, Keap Pro and Keap Max. While Max may be the more expensive option, it offers more useful features for decision-making purposes, such as lead scoring and advanced reporting features. 

Depending on your business size or scale, the more expensive plan offers more customisable options, contacts, and integration capabilities. 

This means that the more costly option offers more space to integrate third-party tools such as accounting and finance software, HR software, IT software, and other relevant software already owned by your business. 

Number of users who have access

If you are yet to expand your business, you may settle for Keap Pro as it already provides many incentives for you to organise 1,500 contacts and allow two users to utilise its features, with an extra US$29 charged for every new user added to this platform. 

If you are ready to diversify your business and venture into new opportunities, consider going for Keap Max, as it has the ability to save and organise up to 2,500 contacts, and allow three users to have access to its features, with an additional US$29 charged for every new user added. 

Automation and campaign management

In terms of Keap CRM pricing, the pricier plan will be able to host more features for small businesses to benefit from—especially when it comes to automation capabilities. 

With more users being able to access this platform, there will be more manpower to automate processes such as email marketing automation, social media automation, general workflow processes, and market segmentation, which can speed up and significantly improve the outcome of marketing campaigns. 

Did you know that segmented email campaigns using marketing automation platforms such as Keap were able to generate up to 760% higher revenue for businesses than non-segmented campaigns? 

Therefore, while a higher-priced plan may require a more sizable investment, the returns your business stands to gain can surpass the amount you put in. 

Onboarding, training, and ongoing support 

Investing in Keap will not magically transform your business’s level of success overnight. The key to success also depends on how well-versed your employees are when it comes to operating and utilising the various features that come with Keap. 

When you invest in the higher-tier Keap plan, your team gains access to additional training resources, priority support, and other premium services which can get them up to speed when it comes to navigating Keap. 

Should your team require additional training and ongoing support, you should opt to hire Keap-certified partners. They can provide expert-led instructions on how to utilise the different features of this platform to achieve more optimal results. The potential returns you stand to gain from hiring them outweigh the additional costs you spend to facilitate their onboarding and training needs as well as provide ongoing support. 

Add-ons and upgrades 

Keap is scalable, which means that you can adjust the features you need at any time to fit your business needs. 

As mentioned previously, if you’re looking to expand your business, you are more likely going to incorporate more Keap features. If you’re on the Keap Pro plan, you may need to upgrade to the Keap Max plan for your employees to access more features. 

For any additional component that is added to your customisable Keap platform, you will incur more charges. 

Consult an automation expert to determine the right Keap CRM pricing plan for you

Keeping these factors in mind, remember that investing in Keap can bring about many positive changes to boost your business’s workforce productivity, cost-saving measures, and overall ROI.

Schedule a consultation with an expert from one of Keap’s partners to help you customise the features of Keap to manage your business needs.