December 15

Is mobile marketing automation worth the investment for modern businesses?


Statistics show that of all the mobile devices in use today, 76.9% are smartphones. Reports also forecast the number of global smartphone users will reach 6.8 billion by 2023.

This makes mobile marketing automation (MMA) one of the best paths businesses can take to elevate their current marketing efforts.

With so many people using smartphones, they’re easier to reach via multiple mobile marketing approaches such as text, the web, email, and in-app messaging.

Automated mobile marketing tools leverage the trifecta of personalisation, A/B testing, and analytics to send highly targeted messages to smartphone users.

So, is mobile marketing automation worth the hype?

MMA clicks better with your target audiences due to interacting with them regularly by sending push notifications, personalising SMS and MMS, and facilitating in-app messaging.

But it doesn’t stop here, as there’s a whole host of other benefits.

Adds immediacy to customer communications 

While the advantages of mobile marketing are many and profound, the most significant benefit of MMA is that it enhances accessibility. You can reach your target audience anytime, anywhere.

This increased accessibility ensures there’s immediacy in the delivery of messages, which is especially handy when sending time-sensitive information to customers.

For example, your marketing team can use mobile marketing campaigns to send messages about limited-time discounts on products and services.

The immediacy of MMA particularly enhances your SMS marketing. With the latest statistics revealing the SMS open rate to be 82%, your target audience is likely to consume your message as soon as they receive it.

Boosts your revenue

Businesses of all sizes expect higher returns as they grow, and that’s exactly what they get from mobile marketing automation—higher revenue and profit figures.

Mobile automation tools streamline and target your marketing activities to make them mobile-friendly, increasing your ROI and revenue figures.

Automated mobile campaigns also give you valuable customer data to design customised campaigns, which refine your lead nurturing activities.

You can set up personalised messages based on the actions of your leads or customers. For instance, if a customer purchases a specific product, you can send automated messages with recommendations for services that are related to the purchase. This helps increase your up-sells and cross-sells.

Mobile automation also enables customer communication in real-time, allowing you to understand and respond to their requirements quickly and effectively, winning their loyalty and, in the long run, more sales opportunities.

Think about Ford’s “Send-us-a-text” campaign in 2011. Ford deployed an SMS strategy to promote their Escape and Taurus line.

They requested their audience send the text “FORD” to 63611 to know more about the cars. With this call to action, Ford was able to collect crucial details from their prospective customers—their names, zip codes, and preferred type of vehicle.

Increases customer retention 

We know it’s far more resource-consuming to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one—according to studies, it’s five times more expensive.

Increasing your customer retention rate means understanding everything you need to know about your audience—like their pain points, requirements, and needs—to provide them with a quality experience when they interact with your brand.

In addition, you need to track and review which of your campaigns work with which group of customers. This is where mobile marketing automation can support you through sophisticated analytics tools.

With analytics, you can obtain relevant insights into your customers’ behaviour along with feedback about your offers. You can then discover their pain points, predict your prospects’ future requirements and design campaigns to satisfy them.

Re-engages inactive customers

If you have trouble engaging inactive customers, mobile marketing can help you with that too.

Once you know which touchpoints need reworking, you can use MMA to create drip campaigns based on what action they’re more likely to take with a bit of encouragement.

You as a brand must understand why your customers or subscribers go inactive to nurture them into becoming paying customers before they churn.

Automated mobile marketing tools can help you complete this step by allowing you to identify inactive customers and send them messages—often with offers and discounts—to motivate them to re-engage with your business.

For example, using mobile app marketing automation, you can reconnect with customers who haven’t opened your app in the last seven days or had fewer interactions than desired in a specific period.

In addition, you can also set up triggers with personalised promotions—discounts and promo codes, for example—to compel users to come back to your app.

Simplifies the tracking of campaign results

With automated mobile marketing platforms, measuring and analysing the impact of your mobile marketing campaigns is easier than ever.

Via MMA tools, you can easily track and measure metrics, such as paid and organic website visits, ad click-through rates, customer engagement, and customer opt-ins.

Better tracking also guarantees deeper insights into your target audiences—like how they consume their content or what type of content they prefer. These insights can help fine-tune your messaging to improve your reach and ROI.

Mobile marketing automation brings you closer to your customers

In short, powerful MMA tools let you check what is and isn’t working with your audience, make the required changes in real-time, and get on the good side of your target audience.

If you’re interested in discovering more about MMA or wish to upgrade your campaigns to mobile platforms, take the first step and schedule a free consultation with Launchy’s marketing automation experts.