December 13

Infusionsoft overview: How Keap can help with email marketing


There is no golden rule for how marketers can create winning marketing campaigns and strategies. Besides trying and testing out different methods to create campaigns that are eye-catching and compelling, it can be challenging for marketers to understand why some of their campaigns perform better than others without reliable software that gives them variable data to compare.

Among the strategies businesses need to evaluate to boost their ROI and grow their customer base is how they plan out and tackle email marketing campaigns because this marketing method can often be a hit or a miss. To succeed, most brands need to send out engaging emails that can retain a potential customer’s interest in the products or services offered.

Hence, the email marketing strategy a business implements must be captivating, compelling, and capable of winning over the intended audience in seconds. To improve the odds of successful email marketing campaigns, marketers may even turn to Infusionsoft, now known as Keap, a comprehensive marketing and sales platform with integrated capabilities to optimise marketing campaign outcomes.

This blog post will give an in-depth Infusionsoft overview in terms of the benefits it can offer marketers. Let’s explore four ways this software can generate higher campaign revenue, more engagement, and the overall ROI.

4 benefits Infusionsoft offers that improve email marketing efforts

1. CRM integration

When a marketer goes through an Infusionsoft overview, they may notice that one of the best features of the software is its integration capability. Marketers can integrate this software with their CRM application, making it easier to automate processes, such as organising customer data into chosen categories.

The different categories may include the customer’s details, communication history, purchase behaviour, and frequency of interactions with marketing campaigns. The software’s integration capabilities also enable the creation of automated workflows triggered by CRM events. For instance, a marketer may send a welcome email when a new lead is added.

The software may also nurture leads based on which stage they are a part of in the sales funnel. This ensures that communication between the brand and the potential buyer is relevant and timely.

2. Lead capturing and scoring

Due to its CRM integration capabilities, information obtained from the CRM platform is invaluable for lead nurturing. Infusionsoft can use these sets of information and data to understand where leads are in the sales process and automate nurturing sequences that guide leads through the funnel with targeted emails.

A few examples of this are customisable forms through pop-ups. This is when marketers create customisable forms for lead capture and embed them in personalised emails to gather information from potential leads; then, pop-ups can be used in emails to redirect visitors to the business’s website. Infusionsoft has been strategically designed to deploy these lead capture elements.

Infusionsoft also enables reliable lead scoring, which prioritises leads based on their interactions and engagement. Infusionsoft helps businesses identify the most promising leads for focused lead nurturing efforts.

3. Customer segmentation

As mentioned previously, email campaigns can often be a hit-and-miss. With the email campaign automation feature by Infusionsoft, marketers can gain valuable data-driven insights from their leads such as their buying behaviour, past purchases, interest, age range, and location.

This helps marketers curate segmented email campaigns that are more personalised and rouse interest among their intended audience. Segmented campaigns have contributed to a significant increase in ROI from marketing efforts. Research by DMA has found that segmented campaigns resulted in a 760% increase in revenue for businesses. Email open rates and click-through rates had also grown exponentially by 14% and 100%, respectively.

Hence, leveraging email campaign automation helps marketers build a deeper connection with their customers, facilitate the customer buying journey, as well as gain high-quality leads which can be nurtured to garner greater sales conversion.

4. Analytics and reporting

Another perk to investing in Infusionsoft is that marketers can obtain valuable data-driven insights and analytics based on their email marketing campaigns.

They can measure the performance of individual campaigns with other campaigns and make a comparison between the two. They can also identify which campaigns showed more engagement and evaluate campaigns based on success factors.

These actionable insights help marketers identify areas for improvement in terms of how they curate their emails. They can also devise elements they can take onboard to personalise their emails and make them more captivating to their target audiences.

Invest in the platform and generate successful campaigns after this Infusionsoft overview

After obtaining an Infusionsoft overview, businesses, especially those that operate on a smaller scale, do not have to fork out more operating costs to require the extra resources that will help them increase audience engagement rates and generate high email revenue.

Schedule a consultation with an automation expert and begin implementing Infusionsoft’s all-encompassing features to improve the success rates of your email marketing campaigns.