October 19

How to set up automated text messaging for business operations with marketing automation

Marketing automation plays a critical role in helping many businesses generate high revenue from email drip campaigns and other marketing efforts. SMS campaigns, in particular, are easy to access and prompt a quicker response from existing and prospective customers. Also, businesses could generate more revenue from learning how to set up automated text messaging for business purposes.

As a marketer juggling many responsibilities in a day and working on multiple campaigns and projects concurrently may usually result in time constraints. You may be left with little flexibility to think of creative or ingenious ideas to create captivating and awe-inspiring SMS campaigns. Enter a marketing automation platform that reduces the need for repetitive, time-consuming, and laborious tasks.

Such an automation platform can give you more flexibility to be innovative, explore ideas, and create winning strategies for SMS campaigns that you can plan and schedule ahead sequentially. This means that you no longer have to be on standby to send SMS messages to the designated audience of your business.

But how can you ensure your SMS campaigns have high open and click-through rates for more lead conversions? Let’s take a look at the steps that you can take to set up automated text messaging for business leads and revenue generation.

Choose the right tools

Before you can pick out the tools that can produce optimal campaign results, you should determine the goals and objectives of your business. There may be specific tasks or outcomes you want to simplify or enhance with automation, like nurturing and converting more leads, improving customer engagement and satisfaction, as well as reducing the need for manual tasks.

Next, you should look into marketing automation platforms that offer text messaging capabilities, alongside other features that cater to your long-term goals and objectives. You should also ensure that the marketing tool you invest in and implement complements your specific needs, budget, and existing software platforms.

Integrate features with existing software

To achieve more success in your SMS campaign efforts, it’s important to consider the existing software of your business. For instance, integrating an existing CRM software with your new marketing automation software can help you utilise customer information to create segmented campaigns and then personalise messages.

By integrating software capabilities, your business can gain valuable information such as a customer’s buying behaviour, past purchases, location, age range, and other relevant information that can help with the SMS campaign.

Craft engaging messages with a clear CTA

You can craft compelling messages with information obtained from the integrated marketing automation software. You can even leverage marketing automation features such as an email subject generator and other text messaging automation for business features to create SMS messages that resonate with your target audience.

It’s important that the text messages sent in sequence have a clear CTA that prompts customers to make a decision.

Monitor and analyse SMS campaigns

Doing A/B testing on a particular SMS campaign at every stage allows you to identify what style or content works and what doesn’t meet the mark. Marketing automation also allows real-time tracking and monitoring of campaign performance to observe how an SMS campaign is performing compared to previous campaigns.

You should pay attention to the open rates, click-through rates, response rates, and the quality of high-performing leads you generate. This further helps with the optimisation of strategies to convert higher sales.

Optimise text messages

By gaining valuable data-driven insights and analytics, organisations can continuously utilise automated text messaging for business purposes to improve SMS campaigns. This includes tweaking text messages to ensure your target audience continues to relate to your offering. Remember, your target audience’s interests evolve, so your campaign should too.

This also includes adjusting the intervals and timing of each stage of an SMS campaign as well as refining your segmentation strategy.

Start setting up automated text messaging for business lead and revenue generation

The many duties and responsibilities that come with day-to-day work commitments can put a lot of pressure on marketers. However, by investing in marketing automation, you can simplify and streamline the way you plan, execute, and manage SMS campaigns to generate more revenue and a higher lead conversion rate.

Get in touch with a marketing automation expert today to experience the benefits of marketing automation in helping you execute more successful SMS campaigns that generate higher open and click-through rates, as well as campaign revenue.