March 27

How to secure more corporate clients for your winery with B2B marketing automation platforms


The unfortunate reality of most businesses—including wineries—is that their marketing teams are stretched too thin. Every initiative feels like it’s a priority and, therefore, everyone gets burned out.

For marketers, their to-do list is always full to the brim because they need to nurture leads and convert them into long-term customers. This goal remains the same when it comes to corporate clients.

This is where marketing automation helps you to keep your pipeline full while freeing up your time to focus on other activities. Reports show that businesses that use marketing automation see a 451% increase in qualified leads.

Besides individual customers, wineries can also expand their business opportunities with corporate customers since corporate customers are often high-value customers that bring much more value to wineries than individual customers.

B2B marketing automation platforms can often help wineries secure more B2B clients and grow their business faster and generate more profits. If you’re interested in getting on board with the latest in automation technology to gain more corporate clients, these B2B marketing automation strategies may be worth exploring.

Lead tracking

When it comes to securing corporate clients, marketing departments need to obtain good leads to get the feedback they need to track their campaigns and bring in the most qualified leads.

Marketing departments could get their leads from landing pages, social media ads, lead magnets, gated content, and cold emails.

B2B marketing automation platforms allow you to get real-time website tracking. You can get a good idea about who’s visiting your winery website and turn their anonymous views into customer profiles.

Having a proper lead tracking system means that your sales team will have access to all the information they need to create customised and personalised approaches to corporate clients which increases the chance of converting them into loyal customers.

Lead nurturing

In the past, product options were limited since the market wasn’t as saturated as it is today. This meant that clients could make up their minds easily and quickly. They didn’t need extra time to educate themselves about what to purchase.

Today, however, things have changed—especially for businesses. By giving your leads the information they need and by answering their questions, you can shorten the sales cycle and convert your corporate leads into buyers.

Having a lead nurturing campaign that lets wineries personalise campaigns to convince prospective clients that their product is something that they need is beneficial.

With B2B campaigns, the goal is to get them to jump on a few sales calls with your winery—it’s the nurturing side of it that’s automated.

Customer profiling

Secured your leads? Then it’s time to learn more about who they are and what they need so that you can market your winery products to them better. Enhance your client profiles by getting to know them on a deeper level.

Using B2B marketing automation platforms, you can learn more about your prospective corporate clients personally.

Automation tools can even help you obtain more than just their email addresses. You can get information like names and designations to help you personalise your campaigns and create a better journey with your brands.

During this process, it’s important to keep in mind that they may be considering other brands over yours, so getting to know them can go a long way in creating a better experience for them.

Customer welcoming and onboarding

With many wineries around, it’s important to think about how your brand comes across to your customers.

One way to hit your target is via welcome and onboarding emails that can set the tone of your brand. If done right, it could even make your winery a leader in your field.

For instance, if you have a winery club or subscription service, you can set up an automatic email to be sent out immediately upon signing up to emphasise the benefits of becoming a member or customer.

You could even go further with behaviour-based messaging in your onboarding emails so that you can track their activity and send them more relevant messages in the future.

Upselling and cross-selling

Corporate clients are extremely valuable because your winery’s sales can exponentially increase if they decide to increase their order value.

Using an email sequence, you can automate the upselling and cross-selling process as soon as your client makes a purchase.

If your customer relationship management (CRM), using B2B marketing automation platforms that integrate with it can make it much easier to track the data you need.

Who made a purchase and exactly when they made a purchase are the types of data you need to streamline the process.

Adapt your winery with B2B marketing automation platforms

When it comes to keeping a full pipeline of leads, it can be a tough job to do, especially if you’re doing it manually. Juggling all marketing activities is too time-consuming and isn’t practical.

A good marketing automation platform, however, can help you solve these issues and give your marketing team the time they need to focus on more important activities.

If your winery identifies with these problems, the best way to overcome them is through marketing automation.

Working with automation experts with the experience and skills to help you secure more corporate clients can give you the headstart you need to take your winery to the masses.