January 24

How to keep your winery business on track with automated email reminders


Ever forgotten an appointment, meeting, or event you were supposed to attend? Well, you’re not the only one. Your customers also forget important appointments since they have busy schedules and may forget that they had slotted in a launch event at your winery.

Needless to say, this isn’t an ideal situation because the more events they miss, the more disinterested they will be in your winery business. These missed opportunities can cost your business income and repeat customers.

In the past, businesses have utilised several different methods to remind their customers about upcoming appointments—from phone calls and hand-crafted emails to even postcards in some cases. Today, however, these methods simply won’t do.

As your business grows, so will your customer base and wine club members. This leaves you little time and resources to dedicate to manually typing out email or SMS reminders and sending them out to the masses.

So what can your business do? Most businesses rely on automation software solutions that improve their efficiency in customer experience by implementing automated email reminders that give more freedom to focus on day-to-day operations and leave the reminders to an automated system.

Say goodbye to no-shows

Wineries have many daily processes and operations to consider, and scheduling certain appointments or meetings is generally done to make sure that everything and everyone can be accommodated without hassle.

Business owners and staff are busy focusing on important operational duties, making it difficult to remember and dispatch communications to customers, suppliers, vendors, and other stakeholders about meetings or events.

All these can be missed opportunities as if your stakeholders forget about their appointments with you, it can seriously derail your revenue generation and business growth efforts.

Automated email reminders are a great way to make sure that your customers are reminded of their appointments and upcoming events to keep the date and time free for you. Don’t forget that a single reminder sent could be the difference between your business making a substantial business deal or losing out on a massive corporate client.

Overcome cancellations and forgotten appointments

Did you know that on average, 10-15% of appointments are missed by customers? While some customers may be aware of the appointment and decide not to follow through, some genuinely forget their appointment.

This means that winery businesses tend to waste time preparing for meetings or tours that aren’t going to happen and may even end up losing money since they’ve already invested resources during the preparation process.

Simple automated email reminders can go a long way in helping your winery avoid these problems. Having an automated system that can send out email reminders 2-3 days before the appointment and again on the day of the appointment can help your customers stay updated and never miss an appointment.

Add an email address or phone number in the system’s automatic appointment reminder so that they can contact you ahead of time should they need to confirm, cancel, or reschedule the appointment. If something does come up and they’re unable to make the appointment, they’ll have ample time to cancel, leaving you more time to accommodate another customer or even handle operational tasks.

Keep track of who’s cancelling and rescheduling

Whether you’re in the winery industry or any other industry, there are always clients who make repeat appointments but are constant no-shows or cancellations. Some may even call you at the last minute and try to book an appointment.

Automatic reminders allow you to track which customers cancel the most appointments and how often they cancel.

This information can be quite helpful so that you can understand your business further to see if there are any shortcomings from your end and rectify such issues to prevent further cancellations. Based on the patterns and frequency of cancellations, you can also determine whether they’re simply unreliable or unpredictable.

You can gain valuable insights about your customers and to whom you should dedicate your resources to create lasting relationships.

Nurture your client relationships

A relationship with your client is perhaps the most important relationship that your business can make to secure customer loyalty and repeat business.

Sending your customer automated reminders will create a sense of consistency and reliability in their customer experience. This will also require little to no manual work from your winery’s end.

Your customers will expect to receive regular reminders about any appointments or events that they’re signed up for.

What’s more? There will be an air of reliability surrounding your winery business, which can lead to more referrals.

Introduce automated email reminders and keep your winery on track

Every day, more and more companies implement software that tries to improve the way they do business.

Automated reminders are one of the software solutions that can help businesses enhance their customer experience while simultaneously being able to devote more time to growing their business and turning a profit.

Automation plays an impressive role in modern winery businesses’ ability to enhance more than just revenue streams. Schedule a consultation with an automation expert to find out how automated reminders and messages can help your winery thrive.