May 6

How To Enhance Email Marketing Engagement


Email marketing is one of the most popular and effective marketing tools today. You’re 6 times more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than you’re from a tweet.

That said, we all know how flooded our inbox is—and this is the same for your clients. The busy modern consumer and their busy inbox mean that millions of emails go unnoticed, unopened, and unread.

This means you may not always reap the results you expect from your email campaign.

So, what can you do when you don’t see the expected email marketing engagement?

Design relevant and optimised emails

Most often, a drop in email marketing engagement is caused by a lack of optimisation. The key to preventing this is to make your emails more interesting, relevant and convenient to read.

Here’s how you can do that.

Optimise your subject lines
47% of email recipients open emails solely based on the subject line, meaning that by having a good subject line, you can make a significant difference in your email campaign results. Create subject lines that invoke a sense of curiosity, FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) or humour.

Personalise your communication
Personalisation is the second most used email strategy after email marketing automation, with over 58% of marketers leveraging this strategy. By segmenting contacts based on their different needs, demands and interests, you can personalise your communication by sending relevant, value-added messages and enticing offers that align with your customers’ interests.

Prioritise your CTAs.
The way you write and design your CTAs—Call To Action—has a significant impact on email engagement and click-through rates. At the same time, your readers have seen more than enough emails with CTAs prompting them for various actions. So, think outside the box when you add your CTAs to make your leads want to click on them.

Make your emails mobile responsive
Make sure your emails—CTAs, graphics, colours and fonts—are mobile responsive. Today, there are over 6.648 billion mobile devices that currently account for over 60% of email opens. This makes mobile-responsive emails vital for increasing engagement.

Conduct A/B testing.

A/B testing splits traffic between two different versions of your emails—the original version and another with changes—and compares the conversion rates.

You can A/B test every element of your emails, including:

  • CTAs
  • Copy
  • Design
  • Images
  • Subject lines
  • Preview texts
  • Discount codes and other offers

The fastest and easiest way to conduct A/B testing is to use email marketing automation software. Advanced automation platforms provide tools for categorisation, email template creation and customer data collection, simplifying the entire process.

The more you test, the better you will get to know about your target audience; their needs, expectations and preferences. This will enable you to optimise your future campaigns to effectively cater to your customers’ preferences, increasing engagement in your email marketing campaigns.

Set up campaigns that engage your audience

The nature of your email campaign is another deciding factor that improves your email engagement.

If your past campaigns didn’t give you the expected ROI, here are some campaign strategies you can deploy in future.

Email indoctrination campaign

An indoctrination email is your chance to tell the reader about yourself and gain their trust. Rather than an offer or introducing a product, the purpose of an indoctrination email is to build trust and earn customer loyalty.

This means communicating about who you are, your position, your brand and its values and what the readers can expect from you in a future email.

Get personal and make your email sound human to create a sense of invitation, connection and loyalty.

Re-engagement campaign

With automated email marketing and automated list management, you can define contacts who are eligible to receive your emails but are tracked as not having engaged for a certain number of months.

Done right, re-engagement emails reduce churn rates and boost your engagement while enhancing your deliverability. Re-engagement emails also increase your customer lifetime value, as they provide more business to the company than a regular customer.

Here are some ways to carry out a re-engagement campaign:

Segment inactive subscribers: Focus on your inactive subscribers and segment them based on their requirements, demographics, behavioural patterns, and age to make your offers and targeting more effective.

Provide relevant offers: Make sure to be specific, unambiguous, and concise when sending emails to your target audience. Entice your subscribers with offers that bring vale to them.

Create multiple campaigns: Using email marketing automation, you can set up and send several follow-up emails to remind the customers about your product or service and maintain communication.

While your re-engagement campaign is still in progress, make sure to send your other marketing emails only to the engaged audience.

An email preference centre

An email preference centre or an email subscription centre allows your subscribers to add or update information about themselves and their email preferences.

By giving your subscribers choices and control over what information and how many emails they want to receive from you, your preference centre can have a powerful impact on the success of your company’s ongoing email campaigns.

Make an effort to know your customer and you’ll be better email marketing engagement

At the heart of every marketing effort is your customer.

Increasing your email marketing engagement isn’t only a matter of personalising your emails and having exciting offers but a combination of all factors that cater to various consumer preferences—make your customer the hero of the campaign.

If you’re interested in obtaining more insights about marketing automation and email marketing engagement, don’t hesitate to reach out. Schedule a free consultation with Launchy experts today!