October 10

How text message automation contributes to marketing automation success


In today’s fast-paced and challenging business environment, businesses can no longer afford to rely on traditional marketing methods so technology plays a pivotal role in launching successful marketing campaigns.

Marketing automation has helped many marketers in contemporary organisations streamline their marketing operations. Text message automation, which leverages the concept of SMS marketing, is a feature of marketing automation which has grown immensely in popularity in recent years.

Marketers are busy bees, juggling many responsibilities on a daily basis. This leaves them with not much room to focus on repetitive, time-consuming, and labour-intensive manual tasks.

Businesses that do not invest in marketing automation may find their marketers spending a huge chunk of their working hours manually churning out SMS campaigns with low open and click-through rates, with the possibility of their marketing team making similar mistakes for successive marketing campaigns.

That said, what do businesses stand to gain should they invest in a marketing automation platform that helps their marketing team automate text messages? Let’s explore the benefits this feature offers businesses that invest in and utilise it.

Segmented targeting

A common pet peeve of customers would be to receive impersonal emails. As marketers, it’s important to identify specific target demographics for email drip campaigns or other types of marketing campaigns.

Marketing automation platforms which have been integrated with CRM capabilities make it easier to select the specific target demographics to increase SMS campaign success.

When CRM is integrated with marketing automation, it’s easier to seek out the relevant customers by analysing their similarities. This includes segmenting campaigns based on various criteria such as location, age range, buying behaviour, and past purchases.

Target segmentation is notable for increasing open rates and click-through rates by 14.3% and 100%, respectively. SMS campaigns have been found to be one of the top three highest revenue-generating channels, driving over 20% of marketing campaign revenue for businesses.

Personalised messaging

Customers want to feel appreciated, so sending out personalised SMS messages that appeal to their interests and preferences is likely to help marketers convert customers into leads and eventually, make it a successful sale.

Personalising SMS campaigns, which include offering early VIP access to products, giving special discounts or offers, or promoting collections that closely resemble a customer’s past purchases can help instil a deeper connection between a business and its customers.

With text message automation, businesses gain access to valuable customer data which helps them curate compelling and personalised SMS content to relevant customers. This includes addressing customers by their names and curating unique messages that appeal to them based on their shopping preferences and buying behaviour.

The result of utilising this platform is marketers will see an increase in SMS campaign engagement rates and ensure the relevancy of targeted messages.

Optimised content

By using an automation platform, marketers can optimise the value of their text message content by using features that help them generate catchy headlines and customise their choice of words to appeal to their target audiences.

The quality and value of content in a business’ SMS campaign should resonate with the target audiences, as well as serve a purpose to and benefit them.

It’s not necessary to include product offerings; it can even be educational or a teaser or a sneak preview of new developments—something that increases a business’ brand awareness.

A/B testing

As mentioned previously, marketers can often make the same mistakes repeatedly when it comes to launching unsuccessful SMS campaigns.

With text message automation, there is the added benefit of testing out variations. Marketers have the flexibility to test out different messaging formats and call-to-action (CTA) buttons, and find out which content type is most compatible with the target audience.

A/B testing helps marketers constantly refresh and refine their marketing strategies by always testing out new methods that provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t.

Tracking and analytics

SMS campaigns may be executed with successful results. Other times, they may underperform. What is important is that the marketer understands why some campaigns do well and others don’t.

By investing in text message automation, current or past SMS campaigns can be tracked and analysed to see which campaigns work, which fell short, and why.

Using these valuable data-driven insights, marketers can learn their strengths, capitalise on them, and brainstorm ways to improve their SMS marketing strategies.

Invest in text message automation today to generate higher revenue from SMS marketing campaigns

Marketers may try and test various methods when it comes to launching more effective SMS marketing campaigns.

However, it’s just as important that their methods bear productive and fruitful results, as businesses can’t afford to lose revenue by running campaigns which are ineffective.

Schedule a consultation with an automation expert today to begin launching SMS campaigns that generate higher ROI, improve employee productivity levels, and help implement cost-saving measures.