April 10

How marketing automation for law firms helps streamline your marketing efforts

Marketing automation is a strategy adopted by many industries across the market and has become an asset for every aspiring business. 

Today, it’s adoption by 53% of B2B companies, and 90% of companies have found that using different tech-powered tools helps to collaborate more effectively, simplifies campaign operations, and supports better customer engagement. 

The bottom line, however, remains that automation increases the efficiency of your marketing efforts.

For businesses in the legal domain, automation offers several advantages. As an industry that has been late to join the digital revolution, marketing automation facilitates the competitive edge legal firms need to evolve. 

In order to benefit from the advantages of the right software solution, we must examine how marketing automation for law firms streamlines your marketing campaigns. 

Provide your contacts with more relevant messages

A clear line of communication between you and your clients is a must for any business, but in the legal sector, communication is a make or break factor. 

Luckily, one of the most notable benefits of marketing automation is smoother communication for a company both internally and externally.

Here’s how marketing automation makes it happen:

  • Optimising registration and download forms

With progressive profiling, you can receive information from your contacts based on their status within the lead stages as well as your CRM system. 

The contact information will only get more detailed with each new download and newsletter registration; growing your database and providing you with relevant information to strategise better.

  • Personalised campaigns

By segmenting your customers based on similar behaviours or interests, you can create nurturing campaigns that offer engaging content, offers, and product information tailored for specific contacts. 

You can also create content that addresses different buying phases combined with the specialised interests of each customer.

By establishing yourself as an industry expert and a reliable source in the eyes of your prospective clients, you will be at the forefront of your audience’s mind when they require legal services or advice. 

It also accelerates your operations, allowing your firm to connect with clients quicker, delivering more content on a shorter timeline and with minimal interaction, and taking your team off routine, non-billable tasks.

Sending messages—particularly emails—that are triggered by a specific action a visitor has completed on your firm’s website, keeps your messaging relevant to the user’s journey; and a relevant email means higher levels of interaction and overall engagement.

Save time and resources on marketing efforts

When operating a law firm, your time is precious. Especially when you’re trying to meet client requirements while also maintaining high standards of data accuracy, compliance, and risk management. 

This is why automation is considered a handy tool for certain areas of your marketing efforts. 

Email may be the first thing that we think of when someone says marketing automation for law firms, but the number of campaign activities that you can delegate to your marketing automation software exceeds that. Social media marketing and interactive bots are some of the two most common tools used, closely following emails. 

With social media automation, you can use your software to schedule social media posts. This process is a much less time-consuming method to set up several social posts across multiple platforms at once than one at a time. By scheduling your posts, you can ensure a regular stream of content is being updated on your social media presence without needing to account for more time to make it happen. 

Features like interactive bots will also relieve your team from being on call to answer client queries. Instead, you can simply set up answers to the most common questions people ask so that you stay responsive to your clients without needing to add to your teams’ workloads. 

Increase the reach of your practice

Networking is incredibly important if your law firm is to expand and grow. And the best way to do this? Referrals. 

Using marketing automation for law firms, you can leverage your client success stories and customer feedback to improve your word-of-mouth advertising.
People are much more likely to trust someone directly in their network when purchasing a service or a product, and this behaviour can be leveraged to improve your reach.

Email automation for law firms makes it easy to follow up with past clients regularly and with targeted messages. When you know where each of your clients stand in the buyer’s journey, it’s easy to analyse who is more likely to seek your services again and refer you to new clients. 

You can keep these clients engaged through personalised messages, nurture loyalty, and encourage them to recommend your services to their circles.

Research proves that 62% of people ask for recommendations from family and friends when seeking legal advice before they proceed with online searches.
What this means is that the more you increase your referrals at your law firm, the more you can grow your practice.

Track your growth and the performance of your campaigns

Being able to track your marketing performance has tremendous benefits. 

By tracking the interactions your prospects and clients have with your website and analysing this data, you can identify patterns in the content your audience prefers and respond to the most and plan your content accordingly. 

Analytics can also determine key performance indicators such as return on investment, cost per lead, and conversion rate. 

With this, you can not only track what people do on your website, but also track the performance of your advertising campaigns, social media campaigns, and public relations outreach on other platforms.

Using these analytics, you receive the insights you need to strategise your future marketing efforts—including what trends your clients follow, the kind of content you need on your platforms, and what drives the most engagement. 

Marketing automation for law firms improves the quality of your campaigns and widens your reach

Modern clients prefer personalised experiences, and with the power of marketing automation on your side, it’s easy to deliver on this preference, reach a wider audience, and build a loyal clientele. 

At the same time, marketing automation for law firms makes your teams more productive, while also boosting the client experiences you are able to maintain and offer. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can take your law firm to the next level using marketing automation, schedule a free consultation with our team!