January 12

How do marketing automation platforms help you build loyal client relationships?

The business world is growing more competitive every year with the emergence of new technology, solutions and a wide variety of other factors that support the entry of new players in every industry.

This means that modern marketing strategies that span various mediums and channels require plenty of precision and insight to yield the kind of ROI that justifies hefty budgets and eye-watering campaign expenses.

With the advent of marketing automation, the good news is that many complex prerequisites are easier and more affordable to execute than ever. Today, marketing automation platforms are supporting businesses of various sizes and industries to modernise their efforts and build closer relationships with their audiences.

Create personalised content 

With the information gathered through platforms like your CRM system, you get a better idea of each segment of your client base.

This data even allows you to create various personas and profiles that shed insights on what your audiences are interested in, their behaviours, their preferences, where they live and other key marketing metrics.

What’s more, segmented lists of clients derived from your CRM allows you to identify clients who are in different stages of their lifecycle journey; clients who are likely to remain and continue using your products, clients who are likely to start using them in future, and those who need more information before they make a purchase decision.

All of this information helps you create content and campaigns that address the diverse needs and requirements of each person. You can also categorise them according to various metrics and shared interests to send more personalised messages at the same time, streamlining key marketing activities.

Improve subscriber and customer engagement

In addition to creating an engaging customer experience, automation allows you to engage more meaningfully with cold prospects or inactive past customers, retargeting them and pushing them towards conversion.

For example, you can create automated workflows that target these groups and follow up with them using personalised offers based on their cart information or wishlists, for instance, and try to pull them back into active lead/client databases.

Beyond this, features like event integration also allow you to inform your audience about upcoming events, effectively track attendance, respond to customer questions and drive improved interest and engagement on much faster timelines than before, boosting their engagement with your teams and business.

Automate customer feedback and review flows

Another win you can achieve easily with marketing automation is automating your customer feedback and review management.

Feedback is not just about knowing what your audiences think but it’s a great way to keep them engaged, post-purchase. It provides excellent insights into the impressions people have of you, your online reputation, and common pain points customers may be experiencing.

Today, several marketing automation platforms offer feedback tools that allow you to automate review requests, template responses, or even provide dispute resolution in certain limited scenarios.

With the collected input on your customers’ level of satisfaction, you can improve as a business and discover more effective, responsive ways to keep them happy and engaged.

Engage in SMS marketing 

Smartphones, unsurprisingly, are still on the rise; in fact, by 2025, it’s estimated that Australian smartphone users, alone, are expected to increase to 21.5 million.

This reality means that automated SMS marketing can help you reach a significantly wider audience and stay connected to them whenever you need to in the most convenient way.

While email marketing has great potential, text messages are recorded to have an opening rate of 98%, making it an ideal way to get your message through in a more time-sensitive way; especially if it’s a last-minute reminder or important company announcement.

Nowadays, with the SMS features integrated into automation platforms, you can send multiple promotions, reminders and notifications to hundreds and thousands of people at the same time.

Moreover, automating SMS marketing allows you to cut the cost and time of manual messaging and phone calls and makes it easier to build closer relationships with your audience.

Nurture a loyal customer base with powerful marketing automation platforms 

With the rising competition in just about every industry, modern automation tools help you target the interests of your audiences, communicate exactly what they need to hear, and provide them with an excellent customer experience to convert them and maintain a loyal fan base for your business.

Want to learn more about marketing automation platforms? Schedule a free consultation with us today.