January 10

Email marketing for wineries campaigns to drive ROI in 2023


Recent studies have revealed that email is 40 times more effective than Twitter and Facebook when acquiring new customers, 45 times more likely to be seen by customers than a Facebook post, six times more likely to get a click-through than a Tweet, and is cited by 73% of respondents as their preferred channel for receiving marketing content from the companies they follow.

Sending out emails may seem easy—and compared to other forms of marketing it is—but when you’re emailing your eCommerce customers, the bar is set a lot higher than if you’re reaching out to a friend because you want your email campaign to drive results.

From creating more brand awareness and improving customer relationships to obtaining more sales, you will need exceptional email marketing to help you engage your customers and achieve these results.

So let’s take a closer look at some of the ways that email marketing for wineries can help you drive your ROI in 2023.

Educational emails

Educational emails are a great way to share information on topics that are related to the products and services you offer.

By sharing valuable information about the benefits of wines and why your product is better than your competitor’s, you’re able to create a lasting dialogue that’s based on trust and industry expertise. You can nurture your customer relationships by establishing your authority as an expert in your industry, which can be a great way to build trust and goodwill.

Educational emails can also eliminate potential objections to the sale of your product as customers can learn about your products and how they address their pain points.

Customer retention campaigns

Acquiring a customer is not easy, so it’s a pity if they only purchase wine from your winery once and then never again. Even if they’re not interested in ordering anything else from you, you can still engage with your customers so that your brand will be fresh in their minds when they need to purchase more wine.

The trick is to send out customer retention emails so that you stay in touch with your contacts and stay at the top of their minds. You can include a mix of educational information, promotions, and discounts which your customers will find valuable.

In addition, if you’re sending them emails that are likely to interest them, they may even refrain from unsubscribing to your mailing list.

Transactional campaigns

Email marketing for wineries can also utilise transactional campaigns that help complete customer orders. For instance, emails could be used to:

  • Confirm an order
  • Inform them once they’ve created an account with you
  • Alert a customer once their order has been shipped
  • Notify customers about their subscription expirations

If you have an eCommerce integration, dispatching your transaction campaigns can be even easier since they can automatically be sent out on a date and at a time of your choice.

Sending out these emails may seem slightly boring, but they are necessary. It not only reaffirms the legitimacy and reliability of your winery, but it also helps you offer a smoother customer experience to keep your customers happy.

Email drip campaigns

Think of a leaky tap. Typically what happens is the water pressure builds up, causing the tap to release a steady stream of water droplets. Email drop campaigns work similarly.

They’re sent to customers based on pre-configured triggers, intervals, and timing. They can comprise a steady stream of emails being dispatched over time or it can even be a single email!

The important thing to remember is that there’s no set rule on the perfect number of emails that need to be in an email campaign, so the best thing is to go with a marketing campaign that works for you.

Customer survey email campaigns

If you’ve conducted email marketing for wineries without ever stepping into the world of customer surveys, 2023 may be the year to start.

Analytics and purchasing patterns can help you get information about your customers. The best way to know what they think about your wine, however, is to simply ask them. Customer survey emails help you do just that by asking them about their experience with your product.

Ask them about the quality of your product, whether they have re-ordered, how your brand compares to your competitors, whether the price is worth the product you’re offering, whether there were any issues with the delivery of the product, and so on.

Asking these simple questions can give you the answers you need and also help you obtain some customer reviews that you can post on your website.

Setting up an email campaign that lets you send a customer survey email automatically once they’ve placed an order can help you get the details you need directly from the people you’re targeting.

Email marketing for wineries in 2023

Email marketing is the way of the future and while it may seem like a breeze, getting the foundation of your email marketing campaign right is critical for any future success.

This is why marketing automation is becoming more popular among contemporary businesses. Getting the right expertise can go a long way in helping you set up your email marketing campaigns for success and welcome the new year with a revamped marketing strategy that’ll help you boost your ROI.