June 29

API integration: Why you need it in 2022 and beyond


2021 reported around 4.43 million available APIs, an 85% increase from five years ago.

Contemporary business owners are compelled to use a multitude of modern tools and software, refine their services for their customers, and reach a multitude of clients within a short period to stay ahead of the competition.  

This is where API (Application Programming Interface) integration comes in handy. As businesses in the digital age grow, they simply cannot overlook the importance of API data integration, which has now become an essential tool that helps companies grow and expand into new markets. 

Particularly, owing to the explosion of cloud-based apps and products, organisations must acknowledge the need to create a highly connected digital landscape.

API integration facilitates all of this, ensuring seamless data transfer among applications. 

How do API integrations work? 

From small businesses to government organisations, APIs help technologies communicate with each other more swiftly and easily.

APIs connect two or more applications with each other, acting as intermediaries that allow one application to talk to another via simple commands.

Once an API data integration is in place, you can:

  • Collect and process all customer data  
  • Maintain an uninterrupted flow of data between your multiple platforms 
  • Expand your customer database by connecting with dozens of platforms 

By ensuring the seamless integration of your multiple data sources, API integrations empower modern businesses to process multiple operations. 

Ensuring effective data management 

Automated data transfer between systems is key in today’s competitive business environment. 

API integrations allow your business to bypass the need for human intervention, which usually comes with multiple errors and pitfalls. Instead, API integrations replace human labour with streamlined data processing tasks, making things easier and smoother for your team. 

You’ll free up your human resources and be able to allocate them to other critical tasks, simultaneously reducing human errors. 

Above all, as a brand, you can benefit from improved process efficiency and better data throughput.

Enhancing cybersecurity for your brand

APIs have robust security measures that guarantee protection against application flaws and external and internal attacks, essential measures for businesses that operate in cyberspace. 

As digital activity increases, so do cyber threats. Securing your customers’ transactions—especially financial details like credit card details—becomes very important in this climate.

Thankfully, most API management solutions offer de facto standards that enhance API security. 

These protocols help you control application access and deploy different authentication measures that ensure all IDs are verified, limiting access to your confidential data. Additionally, you can detect anomalies, real-time fraud, and other cyber threats that may harm your operations, and action countermeasures to mitigate such risks swiftly. 

Improving the accessibility of your vital data

Another benefit of API data integration is that you can access your vital data with ease. 

Once your systems are connected, you’ll be able to retrieve, modify, add, and delete data from one central location, making data governance easier than ever. 

Certain business functions depend entirely on the data they retrieve from these platforms. Take, for example, e-Commerce brands that rely heavily on the data provided by shipping platforms.  

As every authorised member can access the data they need to perform their responsibilities, your operations can be completed faster. Whether it’s your marketing, sales, or customer service departments, team members can retrieve the relevant data for business decisions without the intervention of the IT team. 

Having centralised access to data makes your business more efficient overall.  

Allowing mobile and in-app integration

With the rising popularity of smartphones and tablets, businesses are required to cater to tech-savvy audiences who use mobile devices in their daily lives. 

Since companies are allowed to integrate their services and content into apps and other devices, customers will be able to access all your information instantly through an app or website on their phone or tablet, rendering it unnecessary to download separate apps and programmes. 

This means optimum accessibility for your customers, who will have all the information they need at their fingertips. 

Increasing efficiency and productivity 

API data integration improves the efficiency of your organisation and boosts the productivity of your team. 

Easy integration with your code

APIs are easier for developers to integrate into their code, making it faster and more efficient to use. 

Your developers can write codes using pre-existing frameworks, which saves their time. Developers can also focus on other tasks like refining the unique features of their applications instead of reinventing the code every time they write a new programme. 

Reduction of errors in operations 

Integrating your apps into one central platform makes the automation of your workflows easier. 

As a result, you’ll be able to reduce manual labour and reduce errors associated with data transfer and usage significantly. By making sure your databases only contain relevant, useful, and valuable data, you can also increase the accuracy and consistency of your operations. 

API integrations improve the scalability of your business

Businesses need cutting-edge solutions to navigate the market space and become future-proof.  

As technology develops, it’s essential to have innovations on your side that make your transition into digital, automated solutions effortless—and APIs are a great way to start. 

To learn more about API integrations and how they help you digitalise your operations, don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with Launchy experts!