May 2

5 ways you can use AI in business automation to scale your sales and marketing operations


If your business is thinking of levelling up the performance of your sales team, AI could be the solution you’ve been looking for. 79% of sales and marketing leaders have stated that AI business automation has helped their businesses increase revenues.

This doesn’t mean that fully automating your sales tasks is going to do the trick. Instead, AI tools can help your team divert its energy into selling. With the digital consumer market of today, customers have high expectations for businesses to deliver a personalised experience.

Therefore, businesses need to provide improved customer interactions and deliver on consumer demands, or risk losing consumers to their competitors and becoming increasingly irrelevant in a digitalised world.

1.Customer experience

How you handle your customers has a direct impact on the success of your business. Companies that offer quick and easy customer service have a competitive edge over their competitors. This is why AI in business automation can help provide excellent customer experience.

For instance, chatbots stimulate and process human conversations—whether they’re written or spoken—and allow people to connect with their digital devices as though they’re interacting with a real person.

Today, chatbots are playing a more significant role than before as it helps with customer care services that save expenses, increase engagement, and increase sales.

They help online stores offer 24/7 customer care, create original content for emails, provide real-time responses to fundamental questions, make product recommendations, and track the behaviour of your users.

The great thing about chatbots is that they’re based on the information you provide. When a customer communicates with a chatbot, the chatbot can map the customer’s question with all the possible responses.

2.Marketing distribution

When it comes to improving the accuracy of your marketing operations, AI can be significantly beneficial.

AI algorithms select the consumer’s interests based on their purchasing behaviours, user habits, and patterns of interaction before presenting them with recommendations.

AI also increases the conversion rate by delivering personalised content to your customers’ search logs.

Think about content curation. It’s all about finding relevant content from other sources and marketing it to help boost engagement. Curation can be automated with AI and machine learning.

AI in business automation also helps SEO strategy by conducting competitive analysis, identifying related keywords, and offering search intent research opportunities.

3.Data security

When AI is properly implemented, it can vastly improve the data privacy and quality of an organisation.

Today, we witness many data breaches, cyberattacks, and other security-related issues.

Many businesses have been criticised for their employees’ inability to protect customer and company data.

AI can help with any prevailing security issues and adapt accordingly to a company’s cybersecurity requirements.

AI can help detect any unusual activity on your website, predict a cyberattack before it happens, and evaluate past data.

4.Marketing analytics

Estimating revenues and predicting client behaviours is the most significant benefit of AI as it combines statistics, data mining, and sales modelling to anticipate future results with the use of predictive analytics.

Predictive analysis has enabled businesses to secure more leads with more maturation, nurture their campaigns using demographics and behavioural data, and improve their bottom lines by cross-selling and up-selling, with detailed research on customer preferences.

AI uses knowledge to make predictions and suggestions, execute tasks, and decide on matters that traditionally require brainpower and human effort.

AI tools can collect information about potential customers such as what they prefer to post on social media, their favourite items, how their social media accounts are used, and even the different types of marketing content customers engage with regularly.

By analysing these insights, businesses can determine which marketing messages, channels, and strategies are most likely to create the biggest impact on their target audience.

5.Content creation

Today, AI is being used in several ways to reach, engage, and convert customers—whether it’s predictive analytics or AI-generated content.

A growing number of content marketing companies are investing in AI-based content because of enhanced marketing ROI and competitive advantage.

It helps to speed up content development efforts and makes developing an effective content marketing strategy straightforward and quick.

When it comes to personalisation, having relevant material has its benefits, especially when it comes to how customers perceive a company. This is why providing personalised content is perhaps the most important objective for today’s marketing campaigns.

Today, AI is being used to track customer behaviour and how they interact with content, allowing AI to focus on executing customised engagement strategies aimed at customers.

Scale your sales with AI in business automation

AI is more accessible than ever before and its applications are taking over virtually every industry in the world.

This is why it’s time for sales and marketing operations to also get the most out of AI by implementing cutting-edge AI solutions designed to help businesses realise their true potential and provide customers with better solutions over their competitors.

By working with a team of automation experts, your business can get the ideal and customised solutions you need, all while overcoming any pitfalls or challenges you may face by going through this digital transformation without the support or guidance of an experienced partner.