September 16

5 Effective Email Nurturing Strategies For Your Business

You’ll probably mirror my frustration when it comes to the struggle that companies face when funnelling more sales leads, despite a range of marketing techniques at their disposal.

Email nurturing campaigns, especially, drive more conversions than any other marketing channel. With one of the highest ROIs in digital marketing, 2020 turned out to be a year that peaked with businesses that used automated email nurturing campaigns to drive this increase.

In this blog, we look at five strategies to effectively use email nurturing for more sales leads.

  1. Personalise emails to target specific prospects: 

Email personalisation helps you grab the attention of your target audience. This is important if it is a specific service they are looking for and allows you to monitor whenever the consumer engages with a page on your website, sending out automated emails. As a business, you provide them with the right information they need to move towards a purchase.

  1. Use lead scoring to help convert leads:

Lead scoring uses data that determines which leads have the strongest potential. By assigning values to different attributes and ranking them, relevant leads can be followed up on for an increased potential to turn them into customers. This technique in your email nurturing efforts can help you identify clients who might be willing to purchase.

  1. Combine content that resonates with your leads:

From videos, blogs and infographics to client testimonials or anything that will interest your prospective client, keeping your content relevant adds more value to your emails. Consider the odd Q&A section to clear any doubts on your product or service; premium content for your consumer’s problem is effective, especially with a call-to-action.

  1. Send out timely automated follow-ups: 

Automation not only saves you a ton of work but also ensures no leads are lost in the process. By automating timely email nurturing follow-ups, consumers are not bombarded with the same email to the point where they unsubscribe. Instead, follow-up emails will provide them with more information to make an easier purchase decision.

  1. Keep it nice and short:

By now, you’re probably wondering how to fit all this in one if you’re supposed to keep it short! Well, the best way to do that is by segmenting your email nurturing campaigns whenever (and wherever) you can. They are most effective when personalised and relevant, which means you should not only create one campaign for everyone, instead segment your prospects and speak to their specific needs.

Make the most of email nurturing strategies for your business

There you have it 🙂 Our top five strategies to help you use email nurturing campaigns to increase your leads. Let us know if you have other strategies you use and get in touch if you’d like help to get started with your email nurturing campaigns.