September 22

5 benefits of marketing automation as a service that businesses should leverage


As the business landscape is rapidly changing and more organisations are embracing digital transformation, traditional marketing methods and manual processes are slowly being abandoned and replaced with new-age marketing strategies. Among the noticeable shifts in the marketing landscape is marketing automation as a service.

The shift towards an automated marketing approach is no longer uncommon. To avoid a “trial-and-error”-based traditional approach towards executing marketing campaigns, organisations are shifting to a more reliable and digital-savvy approach to increase the chances of marketing campaign success rather than it being a “hit-or-miss”.

Besides that, organisations are turning to marketing automation as it serves as an integral part of an organisation’s entire business ecosystem. That said, here are five benefits of marketing automation as a service that organisations should leverage to enhance their entire business ecosystem. These benefits are instrumental in cutting costs, saving time, boosting workforce productivity, and increasing ROI.

1. It automates processes to enhance operational efficiency

On an average business day, marketers have to perform multiple tasks and juggle many responsibilities in a day. This means that they can only dedicate a certain amount of time to complete and fulfil the requirements of a particular task.

When integrated with other software, marketing automation increases its resourcefulness. Among the most common software integrated with marketing automation are CRM and existing social media accounts of organisations.

This gives marketers peace of mind when it comes to scheduling social media posts as they are able to do it in advance. They can also automate a chatbot to answer customer queries in real time or within a relatively short span of time. Should a customer wish to speak to a human, marketers can escalate their queries to a real-life customer representative.

2. It creates segmented campaigns

No marketer wants to send out email drip campaigns that end up with low open rates and a high number of unsubscriptions. To prevent this from happening, marketers can leverage marketing automation software which has been integrated with CRM capabilities to target customers which are suited to a campaign.

Marketers can analyse which campaigns fit certain audiences by seeking their past purchasing behaviours, interests, age range, location, and other relevant demographic details.

Segmented campaigns have been credited as contributing to a 760% increase in email revenue for organisations that implemented them, according to a finding by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA).

3. It offers elements of personalisation

Customers prefer receiving emails that resonate with them. With this in mind, marketers should match specific marketing campaigns, offers, discounts, or promotions with the right audience.

This element of personalisation is more likely to result in organisations collecting leads. This helps marketers nurture high-performing leads that can eventually be converted into a sales purchase.

Personalisation of marketing campaigns can also build brand loyalty among customers. Therefore, it is advisable for marketers to create personalised campaigns using marketing automation features.

4. It helps organisations transition smoothly during their expansion efforts

Should an organisation begin the process of expanding their business efforts, they do not have to invest in another platform to fit their business needs. Marketing automation software is designed to facilitate the smooth transition of a small business into a larger-scale organisation with more entities. It is scalable, which means that it can be adjusted to fit the business needs of any company size.

Marketing automation can be integrated with other software to make business processes, such as invoice and inventory management, between different entities more efficient.

This also makes it possible for marketers to manage multiple social media accounts smoothly, as business expansion typically means that more social media efforts will be produced to increase brand awareness.

5. It provides valuable actionable insights

Curious to find out why one email campaign worked and why the other one didn’t?

With an abundance of information and data collected on marketing automation software, marketers can track campaign performance and gain valuable insights from its data to discover why some campaigns performed better than others.

This also helps marketers brainstorm and revamp their marketing strategies using supporting data-driven evidence to create more compelling and captivating marketing campaigns in the future.

Consult a marketing automation expert today to experience the benefits of marketing automation as a service

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, organisations can’t afford to fall behind due to a lack of investment in technology such as marketing automation.

These technologies are particularly helpful in reducing operational costs by eliminating errors and boosting workflow efficiency and the overall ROI of an organisation through successful marketing campaigns.

Schedule a consultation with a marketing automation expert today to begin experiencing the benefits of what marketing automation as a service has to offer to your organisation.