October 26

4 ways Keap can improve the business automation process

The modern business landscape is rife with opportunities that small businesses should take advantage of. That said, they also have their fair share of challenges.

Advancements in technology, shifting consumer behaviour, and changing market dynamics mean that small businesses should adapt to evolving business trends and requirements to remain competitive in their respective industries.

For small businesses to thrive in today’s competitive business environment, embracing automation is necessary. This is why small business owners should look out for Keap, an integrated software that facilitates more agile workflow processes, by leveraging the business automation process.

Keap is an all-in-one customer relationship management (CRM) platform with sales and marketing automation features. This software helps different departments within a small business setting run like clockwork, improve workflow efficiency, and diminish costly miscommunications.

So, how exactly does Keap help to improve the business automation process? Let’s explore 4 ways small businesses can utilise this software to improve workflow efficiency and achieve greater ROI.

1.It helps automate various administrative tasks and workflows

Marketers and sales personnel are busy bees, juggling many responsibilities while trying to meet many deadlines. This leaves them with little flexibility to enter data manually, manage customer data, or nurture leads, which are often time-consuming, repetitive, and error-prone processes which diminish workforce productivity.

By utilising the comprehensive features of Keap, marketers and sales personnel can create custom workflows for various tasks. This includes inserting relevant customer data into the right categories, enhancing lead nurturing, onboarding new customers, and creating follow-up sequences.

Users who have access to the software can trigger specific actions or events, which include automating administrative tasks and other actions that can be automated.

This saves small businesses a significant chunk of their labour and operating costs, whilst also allowing more flexibility for their marketers and sales personnel to focus on more productive tasks.

2.It helps improve marketing campaign success rates with market segmentation

One of the best features of Keap automation software is market segmentation. As Keap integrates both CRM and marketing automation, they are able to match specific campaigns with the right target audience.

They pick the best selection of customers that is relevant to a specific email drip campaign, offers or discounts, promotions, educational content, and other campaign materials by analysing similar demographic data such as past buying behaviour, interests, age range, location, and other common traits.

According to the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), businesses that implemented segmented email campaigns experienced revenue growth of up to 760%. Research also shows that segmented email campaigns have a 14% higher open rate and almost 100% higher click-through rate than non-segmented email campaigns.

3.It helps personalise emails by offering email marketing automation

Before a recipient opens an email, they will look at the subject line of the email. Keap has an email subject line generator feature which helps marketers include catchy and captivating subject lines to persuade potential customers to open the email.

That’s not all; by extracting relevant customer data, marketers will find it easier to craft compelling content that resonates with their target audience’s personal interests and attributes.

Potential customers want to feel appreciated, and reading emails that have some form of relevance to their interests is more likely to pique their interests, making it easier for marketers to convert them into high-potential leads, and eventually buying customers.

4.It helps capture and manage leads

With Keap, marketers can automate the process of capturing leads by collecting data from web forms, landing pages, and other marketing channels. The software then compartmentalises these leads through the CRM feature.

This makes it easier for marketers to segment audiences into respective categories, as mentioned previously, which makes it easier to match the right customers to a marketing campaign.

Keap also scores leads based on a specific customer’s engagement and behaviour. This helps marketers and sales personnel to identify high-performing leads and focus conversion efforts on the most promising prospects.

Improve your business automation process by investing in Keap-integrated software

Operating a small business with less manpower can be challenging for business owners, managers, and their workforce. This is why they should leverage their business automation processes to simplify, streamline, and enhance their operations.

Schedule a consultation with a business automation process expert to leverage your workflow efficiency, boost workforce productivity, maximise cost-saving measures, and improve ROI.