May 12

12 Things you should automate already (Part 2 – Sell)

I’ve seen it so many times—the longer your customers stick around, the more value you both get and as a result, the bigger, better and more stable your business.

So, two quick things before you continue reading:

  1. If you need help with getting traffic and nurturing it in InfusionSoft, head over here to the first post and come back here later.
  2. If you’re ready to clean up big time with sales—this post is for you.

Ok, let’s kick it up a notch now:

1. Bring them back with a cart abandonment sequence

If someone’s taken the time to research your product or rifle through your online store then click through to your shopping cart or order form, they’re hot to trot.

Maybe they got cold feet, or maybe they needed a nudge of encouragement. You know your customers. Give them what they want.

What could your cart abandonment sequence look like? Try this:

    • You track if they click through to your cart or order form (InfusionSoft will let you do this with a 2-step order form or a link click goal from an email).
    • And you’re tracking if they purchase.
    • If no purchase comes through after about 45 minutes (or however long until you know that they’ve left your cart), send them an email.
    • Then follow up another couple of times maybe 1-2 days apart (the longer you wait, the chance they’ll purchase plummets).
    • Ideas for your email subject lines/themes:
  • Did you go looking for something else?
  • Before you check out…did we just find you the perfect addition? (include suggestions of similar items or “what others who bought this also buy”).
  • Offer a discount for completing checkout (could be time-sensitive).
  • Whatever you do, after a while you don’t want to overdo this— it makes you look really uncool. 3 tries will work for most people.
  • If they still don’t check out, could they go in your long-term nurture sequence? (you should be nodding your head right now).
  • And whatever you do, remember to track what they’re interested in! In InfusionSoft, you want to tag them for the product AND the ‘area of interest’. E.g. for an ebook on 21 secrets to safe travels in the Australian Outback, you’d tag “21 secrets to safe travels in the Australian Outback” and maybe even have it in your ‘product interest’ category. Then you’d have “Outback Travel” as well in your “Areas Of Interest” tag category.
  • Bonus reporting tip: tag them as a ‘cart abandoned’ so you know past customer behaviour which gives you and your salespeople quality seeds.

2. Credit card expiry reminders

This is especially useful if you have (or plan to have) subscription products or payment plans for higher ticket items.

Of all the tricks I’m showing you today, this one is by far the simplest.

Why? Because you already get their credit card expiry when they buy your stuff.

No extra webforms or data collection required.

So what you do is set up an email and/or a text message to send when they’re 1 month, 1 week and 1 day away from expiry.

And all you need to do is be polite and let them know their credit card is about to expire.

Their bank might not even have the common courtesy to remind them to swap their numbers over or show them where to find the debits they need to update. it’s a huge win opportunity for you–if  YOU remind them, you become their personal, trusted advisor.

BONUS: If their credit card expires and you really want to show them you’re the best, give them the month they missed, free of charge.

Of course, you have to decide if it’s worth it for you but I ask you–what’s the value of an evangelical raving fan shouting your praises down the bustling halls of Facebook?

This shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes to set up in Infusionsoft.

3. Sell while the iron’s hot by segmenting for recency of action

If you’ve ever studied sales, you know that people are most likely to buy—RIGHT AFTER THEY’VE BOUGHT.

Hence the term ‘upsell’.

So in addition to an upsell page that greets them straight after they hit the ‘buy now’ button, you want to have a sequence that sells them into another related product.

It’s like the classic McDonald’s moneymaker: “Would you like fries with that?”. You can hear the ‘ka-ching’ already, can’t you?
So do this:

When someone buys, add tags for ‘bought within last 30 days’, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months and 12 months (or whatever time frame you know works for you)

Have your system remove the 30-day tag after 30 days, and so on.

This allows you to have a birds-eye view of sales potential in your pipeline, monitor sales progress and could even give you ideas for campaigns to run for extra profit when you choose.

And remember you want to upsell into a follow-up campaign related to their campaign.

You can do this in so many ways, but that’s a post for another day.

Anyway, there’s hidden gold in this one step, if you don’t have it already.

Which leads perfectly to my next suggestion…

4. Keep them alert and engaged by staying relevant

If you’re an accountant (bear with me if you’re not, there’s gold here for you too) and someone’s clicked on a whole bunch of ‘tax deduction’ links in your emails and downloaded your content-rich ebook “3 ways to legally reduce your tax and fly smooth with the ATO”, it follows you’d send them an offer to do their tax (or something similar), wouldn’t you?

Continuing on the same vein– you wouldn’t then send them an offer to set them up for asset protection, would you?

The sad reality is, far too many of us business owners are guilty of bashing our clients over the head with offers we think they want (or should want) instead of sending them things they’re interested in, when they’re interested.

I worked with an 8-figure company whose only segmentation was “who bought vs who hadn’t”. You can be so much smarter than that.

Imagine how much more profit you’d be turning if you did this one thing. One. Little Thing. I’m seeing a LOT of money left on this table.

In my years of working with 7+ figure businesses, those who don’t do this soon watch profit flow out the door and the 5+ figure businesses who do it, pull out in front of the pack and outstrip the competition (often with a hoard of fans running behind them).

So what can you do now?

  • Firstly, define the areas of interest in your business. You may want to do it in chunks or collate niched interests under bigger umbrellas. E.g. ‘Claiming travel costs’ under ‘tax deduction’.
  • Create your tags in InfusionSoft. Handy hint: create them in alphabetical order and categorise them (keeping your data clean!) using InfusionSoft’s import template so you can pop them in all at once—so much easier.
  • This includes the purchase tags we talked about before in your cart abandonment sequence. It’s important relevancy info for you.
  • Tag your customers based on interest when they click or download (set this up using the ‘link click’ goal or even the ‘apply tag’ button when setting up your link in InfusionSoft).
  • Use these tags to kick off automated sales campaigns your prospects want, WHEN they want them.

Now how do you get this kind of sweet magic in your business?

Do you already have InfusionSoft and need help now to harness its full power?OR
Are you hungry for InfusionSoft so you can get the ultimate leverage too?